Faith in the Future

Christianity’s Interface with Globalization


Selected as one of World Magazine’s Best Books for 2008-2009, Faith in the Future discusses the opportunities and challenges that globalization is brings to the Christian Church.  Patrick argues that we have entered into a unique period of history he calls “hyper globalization” in which he world is interconnecting economically, politically, technologically, and culturally at a speed and scale that the world has never seen.  “Of all people, Christians should fear globalization the least,” argues Nachtigall.  The openness and inter-connectivity globalization provides is giving the Gospel and unprecedented opportunity to reach deep into every society on Earth.
Part I :The Opportunities”deals with how different this era of unprecedented geo-political peace is in comparison to other eras of history.  He examines the dramatic shrinking poverty levels, the new methods of helping the poor, the emergence of fast growing non-Western Christianity, the importance of education, and unexpected new waves of spirituality in this secular age.

Part II:  The Challenges,” turns its focus on the dark side of globalization:  sexual slavery, transnational terrorism, environmental degradation, under population, urbanization, religious persecution, and the false hope of perpetual economic prosperity.”

Faith in the Future will change the way you look at the global shifts occurring in the world and prepare you for truly global engagement.